Monday, 5 April 2010

Cloudy morning, a cold sun.
Sound of murky water swiveling down the ducts.
Cry of a stray waking the straggler. Paper cups
Trodden and a cracked glass trying to
Make its presence known through
The vapor from a kettle.
My Dawn.

Silent walls hidden in the shadows
of street lamps. The chip under my slipper
on the dark terrace floor. The tangled strands
I pull from the comb. The wait for a
Beep on my cell phone.
My Night.


  1. don v ne nw wrd to describe abt yr writings...
    kp it up :)

  2. Thank you for the comment on my blog! :) Since I signed up for my AP Government Comparative Politics class, I've gotten really into current affairs. :D

    Your poetry is beautiful. I really envy you; I'm more of a prose writer but I've always wished I could write this kind of poetry! Full of imagery and the strongest meaning said in the fewest words. Great work!!


  3. Thanks again for your comment on my blog! Hehe I actually read The Color Purple last year for my AP English III was pretty good! :) I'll be sure to check out those other books.

    I'd love to read some more of your poetry! Let me know when you post your next one. ;)

