Thursday 12 January 2012

Wish I knew..

I had given up writing entirely. I did not want to write just for the sake of writing. The last few months have been a whirlwind. Let's just say, that I have actually matured a couple of years in the last few months. Even now, as I am writing, errr.. typing, I do not feel the urge to write any spectacular piece. But sudden realizations often jerk us out of our dormancy. Revelations and chance meetings, full length conversations and casual snippets are enough to make us sit up and take notice all over again.

We just wish we had known this and that before. But the fact is, that had we known, it wouldn't have happened in the first place. And then at the end of it all, we realize that we had been holding on to a thread, however thin, however much brittle. And when that's gone, probably for good, we realize that we had only been pacifying our poor selves by saying, "I don't give a damn". I did the same. And I hope no one else ever does. But indeed we all do.