Saturday, 9 February 2008


It has been months since I got to spend a lazy Sunday. Well, Sundays are meant to be lazy, right? And I am not the CEO of a multinational who eats drinks and sleeps with his laptop. I am an ordinary human being, who is just timidly stepping out into the BIG BAD WORLD. (well, it’s not SO bad after all, but then that’s a different story).

So why don’t I get to spend a lazy holiday? And I don’t think I am alone. There are many who do not even get to enjoy on Sundays. I thought and I thought and finally came up with an answer. That’s because, we start preparing for the coming week from Sunday itself. We wash our clothes, dust our rooms and God knows what other pending tasks we have that we attend to on Sundays. And all that is left to do for the coming week is prepare beforehand whether the groceries are in stores, whether the monthly bills have been paid or not etc etc. However small they might be, but they are sure to keep us busy for the greater part of the day.

This of course does not apply to everybody. Because of their hectic schedule for the whole week, some people are literally spoon fed on Sundays. However, I am not among those lucky ones. Sometimes I envy my kid neighbor for whom Sundays are the days of no homework, cartoon network and endless fun and frolic. Wish I could go back to my good old school days when Mummy used to fend for everything. Sundays then meant drawing classes and getting up late in the mornings. Now we are “grown-up” individuals who are meant to build a career for ourselves. And the idea of a Sunday will soon become something that we may have to cherish in our memories.

Hope that day never comes!